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Tempo Controlled Primary School, Tempo, Enniskillen

September Snapshots Of Our Learning

3rd Oct 2022

During September the children have been busy beginning to learn about their new topic ‘Oi Captain’. Throughout numeracy Year 3 have been estimating and measuring using parts of their bodies as well as ordering numbers to 50. Year 4 have been learning to read scale measurements by estimating and measuring objects around school as well as focusing on learning numbers to 500. In Literacy the children in Year 3 have been focusing on capital letters and full stops and making use of their keyword knowledge throughout their writing. In Year 4 they have been learning about nouns, verbs and adjectives and spotting the differences between fiction and non fiction writing. The children have had opportunities during ICT to log on and use Purple Mash and complete set tasks. In P.E our focus for the month has been linked to this terms learning of team games using PATHS as an introduction. They have also used a lot of different skills throughout their A.B.L activities each week. Well Done Everyone.