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Tempo Controlled Primary School, Tempo, Enniskillen

November Snapshots Of Our Learning

5th Dec 2022

This month the children has been learning lots of new things in Literacy and Numeracy. Year 3 have been having a focus on speech marks, handwriting and making acrostic, sense and list poems. In Numeracy they have been trying to solve a lot of word problems, recognising regular and irregular shapes as well as learning all about the value of numbers using tens and units. Year 4 have been learning to write speech in bubbles, joint handwriting and using the helping hand method to make poems. In Numeracy they have been looking at addition and subtraction as inverse operations, solving word problems and building at grams as well as learning all about the value of numbers using hundreds, tens and units. All the children got the opportunity this month to meet Clare from REACH who has been learning us new strategies for managing emotions. The children all continued to follow their dance program through CoreNI for their P.E sessions. In W.A.U the children got to make a treasure map by tea staining it and using it then for their treasure hunt.