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Tempo Controlled Primary School, Tempo, Enniskillen

June Learning in P3&4

26th Jun 2023

June has been another busy month of learning, trips and Summer activities. 
We finished off our explanation texts on the life cycles of butterflies in Literacy lessons.
In Numeracy, we were learning about measuring length using rulers and metre sticks. We also consolidated our knowledge and understanding of money. We applied all of our numeracy skills whilst playing maths games with our friends.
We practised a lot for Sports Day in PE lessons. There are more photos on the school Facebook page.    
In Activity based learning, we enjoyed a variety of arts and crafts activities such as making minibeast suncatchers for a window display. We also painted minibeast designs on pebbles. We enjoyed making unique Father’s Day cards also!    
We have been blessed with beautiful sunny weather this month so we had the opportunity to spend our Friday afternoon outside having fun with our golden time toys.

I wish all of the boys and girls a brilliant, fun-filled Summer.

All the best,

Miss C Elliott